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Teen Testimonials (July-10, 2011)
이신희 2011-07-06 추천 1 댓글 0 조회 285
My Name is Steve - I am 14 years old.
Here is what I'm thanking God for:
I came to Christ when I was 9. It was one of those they tell you to in Sunday School and you do it. Well I knew the Lord had forgiven me. And I thought that meant party, I could do all kinds of stuff and justask for forgivness and it would all be good. This went on for about 4 years. I got into some really bad stuff. Bad friends, lying, cheating, pornography, profanity. And I thought that if i asked God to forgive me he would butthenI'd go back the next day and do it again. But I always felt this void inside me. I thought maybe if I do more this void wll go away. But I was wrong. They one Sunday I realized that God knows when u are sicere and when you aren't. To tell you the truth that really freaked me out. I decided to start paying more attention in Church. I totaly changd. About 4 months ago I started the Left Behind series. It really freaked me out. I don't want to be left behind. So I made a decision, I'm going to apologize to God and ask him for help. Which was hard for me because I'm a pretty self-sufficient person. I am now thatnkful that God helps me live every day to the fullest. In every decision I make I ask God for help and guidance. So far he has set it upon my heart to use my musical abbilities to worship him he has also done this for some of my friends at church. We have formed a Christian Punk rock band. I am thankful for God's love and I want to live my life to serve him.

My Name is Wendell Lashley - I am Over 20, but young at heart years old.
Here is what I'm thanking God for:
Well what can I say.... Not sure really.... The most that anyone can truly say is that the love of the lord is totally awesome...] Knowing that he was able to bring you out of the gutter (parties, getting drunk etc..) to serve him and do his will. Serving the lord is the best thing anyone can do, no matter what your troubles may be Jesus is the way - truth - and light. He is the vineyard that strecthed forth its fruit to replenish moisture to its dry branches...

My Name is Stephanie - I am 13 years old.
Here is what I'm thanking God for:
Hi everone out there who loves the Lord! I'de just llike to say that I recently was able to start a Bible Study called Not Ashamed, in spite of our very anti-Christian principal. Praise God and Glorify Him always!

[Today's Memory  Verse]
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."( 1 John 1:9)
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구분 제목 작성자 등록일 추천 조회
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