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When things go from bad to worse (July 3, 2011)
이신희 2011-07-01 추천 1 댓글 0 조회 344

 - When Things Go from Bad to Worse -

I remember when I fell off a step ladder.  I had stepped off a high porch, onto the top rung of an eight foot wooden step ladder.  I know, all ladders say you aren’t supposed to stand on the top step, but I did.  How many of you have never stepped on the top step of a step ladder?  See, this could happen to many of us!  The ladder wasn’t on stable ground and it wobbled out from under me.  I came crashing down.  I hit hard and in an instant, I thought, “Phew, at least I didn’t break anything.”  I had fallen one direction while the ladder had toppled hard in the other direction, only to bounce off the porch that I had stepped off from, then it swung like a pendulum right back in the direction I fell.  As I was thinking how lucky I was not to be hurt, the wooden ladder crashed down on my head as I was just sitting up.  I never saw it coming.  I had to go get stitches in my head.

Problems!  We’ve all had them.  Like Chippie, we might not sing much anymore.  We might just be stunned, sitting and staring, doing nothing. 

I hope that today brings some encouragement back to your life.  Most of all I hope today brings hope.  Hope that comes from Christ.  I hope today encourages you to come to Christ in the midst of your problems.

Focus:  No problem is so unique that Christ doesn’t have a solution.  With Christ there is hope for every problem!

[Today's Memory Verse]
"Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it." (Psalms 37:5)

자유게시판 목록
구분 제목 작성자 등록일 추천 조회
이전글 Teen Testimonials (July-10, 2011) 이신희 2011.07.06 1 285
다음글 6.25를 되새기며 (June 27, 2011) 이신희 2011.06.21 1 272

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