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Jesus Christ, Bondservant ( August 28, 2011)
이신희 2011-08-22 추천 1 댓글 0 조회 383

- Jesus Christ, Bondservant -

The disciples gathered around a table to celebrate Passover with Jesus. Had one of them been more thoughtful of the others-or if one possessed a spirit of servanthood-he would have done the very thing that Christ did. He would have taken water and a cloth, knelt before the other 12 men, one at a time, and washed their feet. Jesus came into the world as a servant (Matt. 20:28). He was willing to do whatever was necessary to move men’s hearts and bring them to a saving knowledge of God.

As the lowest of household servants, the bondslave had the distasteful job of washing the feet of anyone who entered the home. And this is the very task that Christ voluntarily performed that evening, right before His trial and sufferings would begin. His act was a foreshadowing of the service He was about to render to His Father-as well as to the whole world-by dying on the cross for humanity’s sin.

We who believe in Jesus Christ do not call Him “slave”; we identify Him as our Master. So when He says that a servant is not greater than His master, He is speaking of our relationship with Him (John 13:16). Believers bend their knees to God’s most humble servant, His Son. What are you doing for the Lord?

Christians are God’s workmanship, created for the purpose of good works (Eph. 2:10). In other words, we were saved to serve. Therefore, there is no valid excuse for refusal. When you surrender to the Lord, you step onto the pathway of Jesus Christ, which is the best possible way to live.

[Today's Memory Verse]
""Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him." (John 13:16)

자유게시판 목록
구분 제목 작성자 등록일 추천 조회
이전글 5가지 사과의 언어 (September 4, 2011) 이신희 2011.08.28 1 385
다음글 ‘광복절(光復節)’ - Liberation Day (August 15, 2011) 이신희 2011.08.15 1 388

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