- GOD is More -
What would you answer if I asked you to complete this sentence: God is …? Most people would answer with something they'd already discovered about God: God is peace, God is righteous, God is my healer, God is my protector, God is all-knowing, God is my provider. While all of those would be right answers, those adjectives and nouns and a thousand more still would not define God, because God is more than we could ever grasp, let alone define.
Even if you said, "God is faithful," he is more faithful than you could possibly imagine. If you said, "God is loving," because you've experienced that love, you still haven't come close to comprehending how abundant that love is.
God is not what he has been, nor is he what he currently is; God is what he could be. In other words, God is more. He certainly is all that you've discovered, but he is also more than you or I could ever dream or imagine.
In the apostle Paul's letter to the church of Ephesus, he writes that God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Eph. 3:20, NIV). So if God is indeed more, what barriers keep us from experiencing his all?
[Today's Memory Verse]
"Who compares with God? Is anything like him? (Isaiah 40:18, CEV)